Budgeting Tip: The pretend grocery savings account


For those of you with unfixed monthly incomes, meaning your income varies from month to month like ours, when you have a bit more to spend in a month, even $25, go out and buy a grocery gift card to Superstore, Costco or your favourite market. We did this through out my pregnancy and managed to store $300 worth of grocery cards. These cards are our, “in case of emergency, break glass” grocery funds. It’s akin to a savings account that you can only spend at said stores. Makes those late night runs for surprise costs less stressful and doesn’t take away from your current budget.

Making Cents in YOUR kitchen

Hi everyone!

My name is Lissette and I’m a current stay at home mom of a beautiful son. Unfortunately, I was short hours on my EI hours last year during my year of pregnancy due to complications and bed rest :/ Boo, right? It’s turned out alright 🙂

Instead of spending wasteful time appealing my case, I did the math and realized we *could* do it. I budgeted and budgeted and I am happy to say that we live well, but very frugally. We have no credit card debt…well, we have a current car expense on there, but we never let our Visa go over $350. Our current grocery budget, per month, for 2 adults and a 10 month old varies from $200 to $300 seasonally. Summer means no Community Kitchen Good Food box, so hence, higher budget.

After realizing that I could barter this skill I’d honed, I realized that moms are struggling to keep fresh recipes in the kitchen. Or, they lack inspiration to try new things! Or, they lack time! We all need more time! I do my best to keep my meals simple! Additionally, I do my best to make sure our budget is followed. We eat very well for the limited budget we have. Sometimes, meal planning too far in advance is someone’s downfall, sometimes not planning enough is as well. It’s really up to you to customize the tools I share 🙂 I’ll do my best to share how I come up with meals on the run or how I decide which ingredients go with others.

I’ll blog a weekly budgeting tip that I’ve learned along this frugal journey and try to post a few recipes weekly and every two weeks, I’ll blog about my shopping prep and what I come back with (along with details on comparative pricing etc).

Enjoy 🙂